Thursday, November 28, 2019

A man called dad free essay sample

I didnt have a father figure to look up to. My dad walked out of my life when I was 5 years old, when my mother needed him the most. My name comes from my dads name. I come from a family that believes in each other. When we make promises, we keep our word and make It happen. But my dad Gabriel Barnacle never kept up with a single promise. Growing up, I saw my father as a strong Individual that was trying to take care of his family according to my motherSandra Versa. She always talked good about him to me. As I started to believe my mother I wanted to be like him when I grew up. I was so amazed how hard working he was and how he never missed a birthday. I understood why he wasnt around; he was working hard for us according to my mother. We will write a custom essay sample on A man called dad or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page When I was 6 or 7 years old, I always thought my dad was In Dominican Republic working for a company called Roll. This Is a shipping company that ships packages from New York to Dominican Republic. My mother Sandra Versa never wanted to tell me the truth about him.The eel truth was that he left us when my mother was pregnant with my sister, and when I was 2 years old. My mother kept telling me until the age of 7 that my dad was coming home soon. I couldnt stop asking about him since the day he left us. My mother always had an excuse why he wasnt coming home. I was tired of all the excuses. On my seventh birthday, my father called me to say happy birthday. Before this day, I TLD hear from him since I was 5 years old. The last time I heard from him was when he left me hanging.He promised me that we were going out to park to play assessable and he never came to pick me up. I was really sad and disappointed. My mother told me that he had work to do that day. A cold winter in 2000, my mother couldnt afford to buy me a warm coat for the winter. I called my dad and asked him to buy me a coat because It was a really cold winter. He promised me that he was going to buy me a coat and since that day he never picked up his phone. I got tired of all of his lies. I started to catch on to the fact that he was full of nothing but excuses.My mother couldnt look at me in the eyes ND tell me the truth when I confronted her about him. Everything she told me about him was a lie. He never sent me a birthday gift. All the gifts I received were from my mother. He never worked in a company called ROI; It was a lie to back him up. He never sent us money or food to survive. He TLD even try to call me to see If I was okay or even living. I dont hate my dad at all. I just took my experiences with my dad as a motivation and a lesson learned. I understand you cant make someone do something they dont want to do.It was my dads choice to not be a part of my life. It showed me that he wasnt responsible and that he was nothing I thought he was. I am who I am today because of my mother but my dad is the person why I am a real man. I would never be Like my father, because hes not the example that every child wished they had. The keep my promises when I make one. Im a valuable and a loyal man that will always know what is right. Im man of honor. Im not a coward that walks away when things get hard. I thank him for showing me that I will be a way better father that he ever as.A mother that can take care of their 2 kids is a strong woman. I will always respect my mother for what she did. I will always respect the mother of my kids and always be there for her because if I get my girlfriend pregnant, its my Job to take full responsibility for what I did. I called Gabriel Barnacle my dad because he bought me into this world, but a father is a man that takes care of their child. I learned that I am a complete opposite of my dad. When he was 20 years old, the age I am today, I am pretty sure he didnt have the same mindset as I do today.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Emt Essay Essay Example

Emt Essay Essay Example Emt Essay Paper Emt Essay Paper Vital Education We go to the hospital because we want to get better, but sometimes healthcare is needed before we get to there. When a 65 year old man has a heart attack at his house, when two cars are involved in a serious traffic collision on the freeway, and when a child is drowning after swimming in the pool, all of these individual may be dead before they ever arrive to the hospital. All of these situations stated above would require the emergency health care system which can also be labeled as prehospital care. Its employees range from paramedics, fire fighters, to lifeguards, and everything else in-between. Its singular goal is to protect and to provide citizens with the best prehospital healthcare. These citizens are known as patients who can be put in two categories: trauma and medical. Trauma patients are those who have any physical damage to the body, some examples are traffic collisions or a gunshot wound. Medical patients can be stated as any patient who is sick from an illness such as diabetes or a heart attack. There are many treatments a patient needs before they even step foot in a hospital such CPR, breathing assistance, epinephrine shots, spinal stabilization, and many more. Before any person can learn these techniques, they must first master three fundamentals of the emergency medical system. Education is important in the emergency medical system because workers must know the basics of vital signs, patient assessment, and treatment. Vitals signs are required to know in the medical field because they are insight to what is happening to the body, gives you a guideline to assess, and they all relate to each other in a specific ways. There are five central vital signs taught: the pulse, blood pressure, the skin, pupil reaction, and respirations. The blood pressure in simple terms is the force on the arterial walls when the left ventricle pumps, which is ready by two numbers. The first number, systolic blood pressure is defined by the American Heart Association as â€Å"The top number, which is also the higher of the two numbers, measures the pressure in the arteries when the heart beats (when the heart muscle contracts)†. The second or bottom number, known as diastolic blood pressure, is the pressure of the heart atrial walls between heartbeats (American Heart Association). Blood pressure typically rises with age. The next vital sign is the pulse, which in essence can be explained as â€Å"The pulse is one of the quickest vitals to change and one of the most important to obtain during initial patient assessment† (Penwell). It is usually read for a minute. For the skin we determine the color and temperature. The skin is warm and pink, and if it is cool, cold, or hot it is considered abnormal. The fourth vital sign is the bodies’ temperature. An adult’s body temperature is 98. 6 degrees. The final vital sign is respirations. It can be defined by EMS world as â€Å"In order for a patient to be breathing adequately, he must have a respiratory rate that is adequate and an adequate tidal volume† (Mistovish). All the age groups have different vital signs for breathing. Not everybody breathes the same rate. For example, infants and young children breathing will occur between 20 and 60 breaths per minute, which is a much faster rate than in an adult. Vital signs offer us a view of the body physiology. Most adults fall under the same umbrella for vital signs. The average adult blood pressure should normally be 120/80(American Heart Association). The pulse for any adult is between 60 and 100 (Fire Engineering). The normal temperature for the human body is 98. 6 degrees Fahrenheit. Also according to Penwell, the normal ranges for breathing for the adult patient are 8-24 breaths per minute. In accordance, the chest should have full tidal volume, while also having clear lung sounds when being auscultated. Vital signs offer us an important part of the picture that the patient assessment can complete. Every patient will receive a patient assessment from one of the following: SAMPLE history, OPQRS assessment, or the Glasgow coma scale. Ryan Gloman describes SAMPLE patient assessment as â€Å"The SAMPLE history can be used on the scene of an incident and it can also be used in the emergency room after the patient has been transported. In fact, the patient will usually be questioned several times on the same topics by different individuals. This assures that the health care providers will get a clear picture of the problem†. The letters in SAMPLE stand for Signs and symptoms, Allergies, Medications, Pertinent History, Last Oral Intake, and Events Prior. Another acronym used in the prehospital setting is OPQRST. This acronym can be summarized as, â€Å"OPQRST comes in handy. Its a memory aid to help EMTs ask the questions they should ask a medical patient about signs and symptoms†(Heavenly Manna). The â€Å"O† stands for onset, as in when did the pain occur. The â€Å"P† stands for provoke asked as did anything provoke this pain. While the â€Å"R† stands for radition, as where is the pain radiating throughout the body. The letter â€Å"S† stands for severity, which is asked on a scale of one to ten to describe the pain. Q is the quality of pain, in where you ask the patient to describe the pain. The last letter T stands for time, where you ask the patient how long the condition has been going on. One of the most useful tools for assessing the mental status of a patient is the Glasgow coma scale. It is the â€Å"The Glasgow Coma Scale is based on a 15 point scale for estimating and categorizing the outcomes of brain injury on the basis of overall social capability or dependence on others† (Traumtic Brain Injury). There are four tiers a patient can fall under according to Glasgow coma scale, Mild (13-15), moderate disability (9-12), severe disability (3-8), and vegative state (1-3). The three categories to score under the Glasgow come scale are motor response, eye opening, and verbal response. The next step after patient assessment is treatment. Vital treatments which are common for any patient is oxygen therapy, spinal immobilization, and CPR. According to Mike Smith, twenty five percent of all calls are related to a form of respiratory distress. Generally, oxygen will benefit all patients who receive this therapy. Cardiac arrest, respiratory arrest, and major trauma are just some examples where oxygen therapy would be needed. To be illustrated, a few ways oxygen can be applied are with a nasal cannula, nonrebreather mask, and a bag valve mask (Smith). Another common treatment option is spinal immobilization. A few signs and symptoms for spinal cord injuries are tingling sensation of the extremities, extreme pain in the neck, back, or head, and the partial or complete loss of control over any part of the ones body (nspnvt. org). When a spinal injury is suspected, a patient must be fully immobilized. The Cochrane Collaboration summarizes this process as â€Å"Spinal immobilization involves the use of a number of devices and strategies to stabilize the spinal column after injury and thus prevent spinal cord damage. The practice is widely recommended and widely used in trauma patients with suspected spinal cord injury in the pre-hospital setting†. Damage to the spinal cord causes long term disability, for this reason such care is given to the immobilization of the spine. The main the method of spinal immobilization is through the use of splints and backboards with secondary devices such as cervical collars and straps (Cochrane Collaboration). Additionally, CPR is one of the most important techniques that every EMS worker must know. When the body can no longer breathe and pump blood for itself, CPR is needed. CPR is the acronym for cardio pulmonary resuscitation. Doctor Joseph Sciammarella states that earlier CPR is given, the greater chance of resuscitation is. CPR stalls the process of dying by allowing oxygenated blood to travel through the body while oxygen is being ventilated into the mouth and lungs (Sciammarella). When a 65 year old male patient suffers a heart attack and he has stopped breathing, it is important for that individual to receive immediate CPR so that he can make it to the hospital where his greatest chance of survival will be. When two cars on the freeway are involved in a traffic collision, chances are that someone in those two cars will receive have to receive spinal immobilization. When a little girl at a swimming pool party is drowning, immediate CPR is needed to save her life. Everyone stated above will have benefited from the emergency medical system. For this reason is important that every emergency medical system employee know have the education of their vital signs, patient assessment, and treatment. To make sure the 65 year old man comes home to his worried wife. To make sure the victims of the traffic collision come home to their families. To make sure that little girl’s life is not cut short.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Theories of Nursing Paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Theories of Nursing - Research Paper Example One of the central tenets of Benner’s work is the idea that care forms the central aspect of nursing, that it allows a nurse to better connect to a patient, to better administer care, and to better see possible problems and situations before they arise (Alligood, 2002, 157). Though I agree to a certain extent with the primacy of care to any practical nursing environment, I believe that care can only be of actual use to a nurse if he or she has the advantage of experience to guide them in how to best support their patients. Much of my recent practice has been as a primary triage nurse for an (unfortunately) over-crowded emergency room. This emergency department has fifty-three adult patient beds and it is up to me to decide how they are best used in most situations, only changing significantly when patients develop new symptoms or problems become apparent after the triage process has already begun. In a recent experience I had fifty-two beds filled with extremely high priority patients, something of a nightmare, and nearly simultaneously had six patients presenting the extremely distressing symptom of chest pains, all describing them in nearly identical ways. I obviously had only one bed to give until other beds cleared from patients being released or transferred, and had to make one of the most difficult decisions I ever had to make as a triage nurse. I realize in retrospect that I naturally applied many of Benner’s theories of Person, Environment, Health and Nursing to the situation at hand without necessarily realizing it at the time. Obviously, in a triage situation, two of the aspects of this theory most directly applied to what I was doing in practice – Health and Nursing. In a triage setting two things are important: identifying the patient most in need of care (or in extreme triage situations, the person to whom care will be most useful) and as a nurse finding the best and most efficient way to identify the best and most effective me thods of allowing them to receive that care. So I had to identify which of these people was the most unwell, and how I could best act to make them better, whilst simultaneously trying to get the other five the care they needed as fast as humanly possible. My education certainly played a significant role in my decision. In nursing school, I learned how to differentiate between a wide variety of chest pains, to use specialized language (such as throbbing, stabbing, dull, sharp and so on) to help weed out the possible causes of a wide variety of pains, and thus by knowing their causes apply the best care to the group of six as possible, which in this case meant getting the most serious case a bed as soon as possible. Likewise, I had an academic knowledge of how to use pain scales to help identify patients based on their level of pain from one to ten, with one being nearly nothing and ten being the worst level of pain possible. Using this academic knowledge I was able to quickly dismiss two of the cases as most likely being caused by acid reflux (burning pain high in the esophagus with relatively moderate pain scale) and patients who were, though taking a good precaution by seeking medical care, probably not in need of emergency services in an urgent fashion. Following this, however, the situation became much more difficult. Two of the people I

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Local lawsuit Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Local lawsuit - Essay Example In one of such incidents, Monsanto had incorrectly advertised its herbicide as being biodegradable and further asserted that it left the soil clean. The event happened in the year 2009 and it had to pay a fine of 15000 Euros (BBC, 2009). It has also been identified that the senior manager of Monsanto ordered one of the consulting firms which is in Indonesia to offer a bribe of $50000 to a top bureaucrat working with environment ministry of Indonesia in the year 2002. Therefore, in this regard, Monsanto had to pay a fine of $1.5m (BBC, 2009). Risk Management Strategies Companies often face with lawsuits as they tend to violate the governments’ requirements or tend to break the criminal laws. Once the companies have identified the risks, it becomes significant to minimize the risks and thus manage them to a greater extent. The company needs to ensure that there is better supervision and therefore there must be clear communication of the policies. The key to reduce the risks of w orkplace related lawsuits is to be proactive. It becomes significant for the companies to execute policies and trainings which are designed to avoid the lawsuits (Pakroo & Pakroo, 2011). Risk management can be identified as a procedure meant to prevent any sort of physical, financial and time loss in an organization (Chan, 2010). Monsanto should not have advertised wrongly since doing so not only leads to lawsuits but also ruins the reputation of the company. The company could have ensured that the staffs are made aware of the problems of such illegal activities and therefore should have provided the staffs with proper information on risks and consequences of such illegal activities. Such risks could have as well been avoided if Monsanto was capable of identifying the critical point in the business processes where such illegal activities are likely to occur. The company could as well designate internal structures so that the staffs can report problems, risks and people those are sus pected with such activities. If all these strategies were adopted by Monsanto previously, then lawsuits could have avoided. Ethical Considerations Reflected In the Laws Applicable To This Case The case is related to fraudulent trade practices and bribery. Therefore, the laws related to these two illegal trade practices need to be considered. The ethics and anti-bribery rules try to raise the problems of ethical and moral attitude towards both bribery and corruption. In the ethical considerations related in the laws, offering bribes is as offensive as receiving it (Sosnow & Narayanan, n.d.). According to US law of deceptive advertisement, it is unethical if any company communicates a deceptive claim to 20-25 percent or greater than this amount of the target audience. Deceptive advertising is considered as wrong since it harms competitors, consumers as well as society as a whole. Deceptive advertisement is considered as wrong since the person practicing it tends to violate the need of morality (Carson, 2002). Sources of Law The cases are related to bribery and deceptive advertising practices. Therefore, bribery law of US has been demonstrated under 18 U.S. C. Â § 201 (United States Office of Government Ethics, 2011). It has been found that both the state and federal laws are responsible to regulate deceptive advertising. It is the Lanham Trademark Act that controls false advertising at the federal level. The Federal Trade Commission and state consumer protection agencies are mainly

Monday, November 18, 2019

Simulation technology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Simulation technology - Essay Example Practically, simulation technology also lets corporations to foresee the unseen. It also lets organization to identify and prioritize corrective action that will create a real imperative to a development in conjunction with actual results that reveals worth of the business (Durlach & Anne 1995). Organizations - in both public and private sectors - have long used such tools for good management science to trim down stupidities and put cost outside of business practices. But regardless of that - and regardless of the huge investment in technology sector that has been made over the past fifty years or so - there is undoubtedly constrictions persist to be present in companies (Moorthy & D. Sly 2000). Simulationoffersaveryrealopeningtotakebusinessmakeoverstoanew height in general.Aswiththe majority ofmultifacetednewwavesit'sapromising assurance that it will get no less than another 5 to 10 years to wholly shape, but the opening subsists nowadays for those companies that are ready to initiate the mission (Moorthy & D. Sly 2000). ... A sound management structure provides companies immediate access to current scholarly material goods that can assist them with their existing work (Cadotte 1995). Providing abilities for decision support is about guaranteeing a product will meet up its serviceable prerequisites; possess most favorable outlay, credence and robustness; and be planned, produced and iterated in the smallest possible amount of time (Cadotte 1995). To prop up these ends, simulation management answers must offer management devices for striking planned goals - that is to say, confirming designs function as intended - and expecting pre-production operations (Cadotte 1995). Those means allow managers and engineers to stare into the future, expect troubles, and make proper decisions early on in the planning process to keep further evils at bay. Integration of a varied set of simulation appliances and successive process mechanization produces a cohesive simulation setting that assists toggling between varieties of schemes to finish a job (Cadotte 1995). Important, most excellent in sort of simulation abilities from appropriate external resources have to be incorporated with simulation developments. Once the entire of the required wherewithal subsist in the same setting, simulation specialist can connect them jointly in mechanized flows of work. Making key developments routinely appends precision and repeatability to simulation, which in sequence perks up excellence and diminishes time to promote (Cadotte 1995). It also lets the simulation society to develop to intend engineers relaxing the time of simulation professionals to build up the next cohort of tough simulation techniques (Cadotte 1995). Product lines model, using simulation technology exactly down to the stages of

Friday, November 15, 2019

Company Profiling Food In Processing Marketing Essay

Company Profiling Food In Processing Marketing Essay Food processing is the methods and techniques used to turn raw ingredients into food for human consumption by food processing industry. Food processing takes clean, slaughtered or harvested ingredients and uses them to produce marketable food products. 1.1 Company Profile Sunkist is also a firm in the food processing industry. Fresh Sunkist oranges from California and Arizona are available year-round. The naturally orange color is due to their growing climate. Sunkist harvest fruit as the raw ingredients and transform it to fresh fruit juice. In 1978, General Cinema Corporation, a large theater operator and soft drink bottler created the orange soda we enjoy today and licensed the use of the Sunkist trademark for their delicious orange soft drink. In 1979, Sunkist soda was launched and became the number 1 orange soda in the market. Sunkist is a not-for-profit corporation, with all profits from the exchange returned to growers. In America, Sunkist is the oldest continually operating citrus cooperatives. Sunkist is also the largest marketing cooperative in the world that produces fruit and vegetable. The Sunkist name is assurance of premium quality and taste satisfaction. People have trusted generations of Sunkist growers to deliver the essential goodness of Mother Natures best citrus since 1893. Consumers know they can depend on the quality of fruit bearing the Sunkist brand sticker or any packaged product bearing the Sunkist name. Produce buyers and retailers everywhere know the selling value of that quality. Sunkist control the quality of its product by written rules and regulations to which all Sunkist affiliated packinghouse and manufacturers. Sunkist staffs need to make sure that the regulations are followed. Every day the Staff inspectors will make a visit to packinghouses. Sunkist staffs often visit the manufacturers producing Sunkist packaged products and all employ standardized quality control programs.  [i]  The price of Sunkist are affordable to consumer, it is not too expensive. Sunkist is now produced by Dr Pepper Snapple Group in USA. Sunkist is still the most popular orange product in United States.  [ii]   1.2 Vision, Mission, Slogan and Goals Vision (1) Global strategies for a stronger presence in the international marketplace (2) Make the brand more distinctive with premium quality fruit Mission To maximizing returns for quality Sunkist growers Slogan Feel All Orange Inside (2007-present) Goals Sunkists goal is to respond not only to the demand of their buyers for year round supplies of fruit items, especially citrus, but also to provide a strong marketing and promotional service to other fruit producers who have the same quality standards maintained by Sunkists traditional cooperative suppliers.  [iii]   Stage 2- Strategic analysis 2.0 Input Oranges is the primary ingredients for orange juice. Fresh Sunkist oranges from California and Arizona are available year-round. Their nature orange color is due to their growing climate. The color of the orange are never dyed. The Sunkist label or sticker on the orange is a guarantee that you are buying citrus of the highest quality. 2.1 Process At Sunkist Growers, the process combines natural, environmentally-conscious, wisdom with the benefits of technology. Sunkist citrus is grown on over 300,000 acres of fertile soil in California and Arizona. Pickers use special designed clippers for the different citrus varieties when they pick citrus. The pickers placed the fruit that they picked into a bag that hangs over their shoulder. After that, the fruit will be transported to the packinghouse. It is sent to the pre-grade area once the fruit reached the packinghouse. Before passed through the initial grading station, the fruit is pre-washed. After the computers grade the color and blemish of the fruit, the conveyor will carry the fruit to storage bins where the place held for packing. The fruit will be dumped out of the storage bins when it is ready for packing. The fruit is then re-washed, waxed and dried. After that the fruit is carried down the line where is it sized and stamped or stickered. The next process is the final grading before packing. The fruit is sorted by grade and carried down the line for packing. They pack the fruit depending on customer need. The most common are the cartons. The fruit is either bagged by machine or by hand. The counts and weight is measure by the bagging machines automatically. After that the bags will put into the cartons for shipment and carried to the accumulator area where they are put onto pallets. The cartons will be wraps tightly by the automatic palletizer so that they will not shift during transportation. The pallets are transported to the pre-cooler where they are held for shipment. Once the truck arrives to transport the fruit, the truck is loaded and the fruit moves on to its final destination.  [iv]   The main distribution points for Sunkist are restaurants, supermarkets, and convenience stores. It is distributed in all over the world. And also, the oranges are distributed to the manufacturer which processes the orange juice.  [v]   2.2 Steps of processing orange juice 1. Clean and grade the orange. Microbes and dirt is removed. Orange is rinsed and dried. Quality pieces will automatically separated by size prior to extraction. 2. Extraction Optimize the efficiency of the juice production process. Bitter resins must be carefully separated to avoid tainting the sweeter juice. The extracted juice is filtered through a stainless still screen. 3. Concentration Concentrated the juice and reduces the juice temperature to about 13 ° C. After that, stored in the refrigerated stainless steel bulk tanks. To achieve a high quality juice, the proper blending of juice concentrate and other flavor fractions is necessary. 4. Pasteurization To avoid spoilage. Use hot pasteurized juice to preheat the incoming unpasteurized juice. Preheated juice is heated with steam or hot water to the pasteurization temperature at about 85-94 ° C for around 30 seconds to reduce the microbe count. 5. Packaging Fill in the pasteurized juice while still hot to ensure sterility. Must be filling in sterile environment. Fruit juice packaged in this process has a shelf life of 2-4months at room temperature. 2.3 SWOT Analysis of Sunkist SWOT analysis refers to strength, weakness, opportunities and threats. Strengths and weaknesses refer to the organizations internal environment over which the firm has control. Strengths are areas where the organization excels in comparison with its competitors, while weaknesses are areas where the organization may be at a comparative advantage. Opportunities and threats refer to the organizations external environment, over which it has much less control. SWOT may appear in both the general and the competitive environment. However, the unpredictable nature of events in the general environment tends to make the use of SWOT analysis more problematic.  [vi]   Strengths The Sunkist brand is known for its high quality product and its customer service, and the Sunkist goal is to respond not only to the demands of our buyers for year round supplies of fruit items, especially citrus. Sunkist provides promotional service and also strong marketing to others fruit producer that have the same quality standards maintained by the Sunkist traditional cooperative suppliers. Sunkist is available in many flavors including orange, diet orange, lemonade; strawberry, pineapple, peach and fruit punch which appeals to the teen demographic. Weakness Consumer lack brand loyalty is one of the weaknesses. Maintaining consumers brand loyalty is not easy. There are a lot of other brand that can replace Sunkist, example, Tropicana, Freshers and Nestle. Sunkist is Contending with heavy advertising by other food manufacturers. Opportunities The teen demographic has been shown to be very influential when it comes to their parents purchase decision. Likewise, teens are having more of their own discretionary income, which tend to spend on food and entertainment. While Baby Boomers and Gen X-ers both have large discretionary incomes, both demographics have been largely ignored by other brands. Threats Due to diabetes and obesity, there is currently a trend in the world of consumers being more health conscious. Because of this, consumers are consuming fewer sweet and coloring beverages. With the recent recession, it expected that sales of major brands would drop while private labels increase in sales. 2.4 PEST Analysis Political The political factors are the arena in which organizations competitive for attention, resources, and regulations guiding the interactions among nations.  [vii]  The effects of global influence governmental policies on a firms competitive position increase the importance of forming an effective political strategy.  [viii]  So, Independent growers had to be licensed to carry Sunkist Trademark. Economic The economic environment refers to the nature and direction of the economy in which a firm competes or may compete.  [ix]  Economy strong due to industrial job needed to fuel war. Citrus exports for 1966-67 seasons have reached all-time high. In order to remain competitive, manufacturers exporting abroad will need to make efficiency gains and innovate so that they can offset the unfavorable exchange rate with a reduction in price or increase in quantity.  [x]   Social/Cultural The social / cultural factor is concerned with a societys attitudes and cultural values. Recently, many consumers are emphasis to healthier lifestyles. Consumers from ages of 37 to 55 increasingly concerned with nutrition. There is a large population of the age range known as the baby boomers. Since many are reaching an older age in life they are becoming more concerned with increasing their longevity. This will continue to affect the non-alcoholic beverage industry by increasing the demand overall and in the healthier beverages. Technological The technological factor includes the institutions and activities involved with creating new knowledge and translating that knowledge into new outputs, products, processes, and materials.  [xi]  Introduction of plastic bottles has increased sales for Sunkist as there are easier to carry and consumers can bin them once they are used. As the technology is getting advanced there has been introduction of new machines all the time. Due to introduction of this machineries the production of Sunkist Company has increased tremendously then it was few years ago. Executives must verify that their firm is continuously scanning the external environment to identify potential substitutes for technologies that are in current use, as well as to spot newly emerging technologies from which their firm could derive competitive advantages.  [xii]   Stage 3: Strategy Formulation 3.0 Porter Five Forces The Bargaining Power of Buyers Buyers can affect an industry through their ability to force down prices, bargain for higher quality or more services, and to play competitors off against each other.  [xiii]   The main buyers of Sunkist are individual consumers and restaurants. Fortunately, Wal-Mart is still a small company in that era. And also Sunkist is the major power holder. Even though, restaurants consumption increases, they are not organized, most of the purchased made by individual consumers. Sunkist has favorable condition for buyer power. The Bargaining Power of Suppliers Suppliers can exert bargaining power over participants in an industry by raising prices or reducing the quality of purchased goods and services. The factors that increase supplier power are the mirror image of those that increase buyer power.  [xiv]   Sunkist suppliers are mainly small producers. Sunkist is the merging power of those small producers, farmers. They have very strong relationship and each individual supplier does not have any power over Sunkist. It is favorable condition for Sunkist. Rivalry Competitive rivalry intensifies when a firm is challenged by a competitors actions or when a company recognizes an opportunity to improve its market position.  [xv]   Rivalry among competing firms is usually the most powerful of the five competitive forces. The food industry is becoming highly competitive. The difference between one Food Company and another is usually not that great. As a result, food industry has become more like a commodity an area in which the food company with the low cost structure, greater efficiency and better customer service will beat out competitors. Although Sunkist is the biggest player in the market, Florida growers, global competition and bottled orange juice producers are heating rivalry. Rivalry of Sunkist is still neutral. The threat of substitute Substitute products are goods or services from outside a given industry that perform similar or the same functions as a product that the industry produces. There are plenty of substitutes in the food industry. Most large food companies offer similar suites of services. The threats of substitute product of Sunkist are very high. Fresh orange market has very strong substitutes, and the biggest them all is bottled lemon juice. Even, some consumers think it is easier to use bottled orange juice instead of fresh orange. Some more there are concentrate orange juices, artificial flavoring, frozen orange, already flavored products. Overall threat of substitutes is unfavorable for Sunkist. The Threat of New Entrants The threat of new entrants is the extent to which new competitors may decide to enter an industry and reduce the level of profits being earned by incumbent firms. The threat of entry will depend on the existence of barriers to entry and the reaction of existing competitors.  [xvi]   Sunkist has a very strong brand name in the market. Consumers relate Sunkist brand name with the quality of it. These conditions is making barrier to entry very favorable for Sunkist. However, it is still not easy to differentiate fresh lemon form each other and Sunkist has very low marketing budget to increase awareness of its product. Moreover, fresh lemon consumers are mostly clustered on the east cost of United States and Florida producer has geographical advantages in terms of transportation cost. There is not any significant cost should be incurred to enter market and that open ways for international competitors to enter in US market and if somehow new entrant fails to succeed in the market they can always sell its product to processing firms. 3.1 Resources 3.1.1 Tangible resources Tangible resources are the assets that can be seen and quantified. Production equipment, manufacturing plants, and formal reporting structures are examples of tangible resources.  [xvii]  Sunkist is one of the 10 largest marketing cooperatives in the U.S. They handle sales of fresh oranges, grapefruit, lemons and limes. Sunkist manufactures 1600 citrus juice and peel products. There were 73 new Sunkist-branded products introduced in 2009 and 28 products reformulated in response to health and wellness trends. They have about 50,000 experienced staff in the operational centers, focused on customer service and daily transactions. 3.1.2 Intangible resources Intangible resources include assets that typically are rooted deeply in the firms history and have accumulated over time. The history of Sunkist has more than 100 year and they developed in order to foster and maintain stable markets for fruit growers, gain best possible return for produce and provide consumers around the world with quality citrus products at affordable prices. Sunkist develop a worldwide market, promote a brand name, access a global transportation system, develop comprehensive research capabilities, and gain governmental access to overseas markets.  [xviii]   3.2 Core Competency of Sunkist The realignment of Sunkists sales operations proved its effectiveness in 2009. The new centralized sales opera ­tion customizes practices to compete better and win in todays markets. The Sunkist brand was built over generations by deliver ­ing consistent supply and quality products. People trust Sunkist and that trust stood them in good stead during the difficult times in the world economy. As a category manager, Sunkist must have the right product, at the right price, at the right time. Today, Sunkist does. Sunkists global sourcing program allows it to manage the competition that is in the market anyway to the benefit of both its customers and growers.  [xix]   With an aggressive marketing strategy and attractive packaging, Sunkists organics program has been steadily growing. Today three Sunkist-affiliated packinghouses are certified to pack a number of varieties of organic citrus including lemons, Navel, Valencia and Cara Cara oranges, and Satsuma and W. Murcott Mandarins. Their customers are pleased that Sunkist has a year-round or ­ganics program and want them to increase their involvement.  [xx]   3.4 How Sunkist sustaining competitive advantages Sunkist has sustained competitive advantages in terms of Organization reputation, brand name, experience, and location. Sunkist is 100 years old company. It is well known and very strong brand name. Geographically Sunkist producers has very longer suitable climate to produce lemons. Sunkist has temporary competitive advantages for Supply chain access and cash flow. They have knowledge to move fresh product from one place to another. Sunkist can generate cash flow from their member. Sunkist understands of these markets and its ability to accurately analyze them drove revenue generation to new heights. Sunkist analysts used that information flow to assess and create market opportunities and to be more competitive, not just in the United States, but in all its markets.  [xxi]   3.5 Define Value Chain Firm Infrastructure Vision : Mission : Goal : Global strategies for a stronger presence in the international marketplace . To maximizing returns for quality Sunkist growers To provide a strong marketing and promotional service to other fruit producers Human Resource Training for staff Recruitment Technologies Development Grading Technology Sizing Technology Packing Technology Labeling Technology Procurement Machinery, Transportation, Staff Inbound Logistics Operations Outbound Logistics Marketing Sales Services Collect fresh fruits from California and Arizona Clean and grade the orange Concentration Pasteurization Packaging Finished goods will send it to restaurant, supermarket and convenience store. Advertising Promotion Customer Service Discount Value Chain refers to the process whereby a firm determines the costs associated with organizational activities from purchasing raw materials to manufacturing products to marketing those products. 3.6 SWOT Analysis (TOW Matrix) SWOT Analysis (TOW Matrix) Strengths- S -Represent a large market of citrus growers in California and Arizona -Producing in CA gives them longer to produce because of warm weather -Provide various services (processing, marketing, research procurement) to its member growers -Strong production in recent years and belief that this would continue -Research regarding breakdown of users is very thorough. Weakness- W -Contending with heavy advertising by other food manufacturers -Concentrated predominately in womens magazines -Consumers lack Sunkist brand loyalty Opportunities- O -Our findings indicate that possible demographic. -Changes of heavy lemon users can be used as an advantage. -Increased awareness of lemons may improve usage of lemons. SO Strategies -Sunkist should increase their exportation -Increase the quality of the product to meet customer satisfaction WO Strategies Make a strong distribution system to cater to avail the full benefit of the growing market. Seek more business from other country. -Promote the product by using effective ads. Threats- T -Fresh lemon consumption in the U.S. may continue to steadily decline -Increased competition with Florida growers -Forecasted increase in production during winter months -Concerns about retailers views of fresh lemons and its prepackaging ST Strategies -Advertise more products about Sunkist that are declining -Offer discount on the products to attract customer to buy Use high technology machinery to increase quality. WT Strategies -Decrease the price of declining product -Enter new market to get more customers. 3.7 Diagnosing Strategic Capabilities 3.7.1 BCG Matrix Star (Growth) Question Marks (Introduction) Cash Cows (Maturity) Dogs (Decline) Stars Stars are characterized by high growth and high market share. Stars is the organizations best long-run opportunities for growth and profitability. Sunkist orange juice is the product that gave a lot of opportunities and profit to Sunkist. Over the long run opportunities in stars will pay dividends as their large market share will enable them to generate cash as the market cows and they become cash cows. Cash Cows In Cash Cows stage, the products have a high relative market share position but compete in a low-growth industry. It called cash cow because they generate cash in excess of their needs. Apple juice is the cash cows. Sunkist has takes measure in apple juice to make the product in to stars. Question Marks Question marks are also known as problem child. The products at this stage have a low relative market share position, yet they compete in a high-growth industry. Sunkist cash needs are high and their cash generation is low. A high-quality grapefruit crop that moved well and com ­manded strong FOBs helped make 2008-09 one of the better years for grapefruit growers. Dogs The products have a low relative market share position and compete in a slow or no market growth industry. The dogs are lemon juice. It reduced economic activity in the foodservice industry resulted in the largest negative restaurant growth in 40 years. 3.8 Product Life Cycle Product Development Orange Apple Lemon Grapefruit Introduction Growth Maturity Decline Product Life cycle has 4 stages that consist of introduction, growth, maturity, and decline. Above is the product life cycle for Sunkist. The introduction stage of product life cycle is characterized by slow growth in sales and high costs as a result of limited production. Grapefruit is in the Introduction stage. Sunkist invests in research and development to produce new products. These command a premium price and confer upon the organisation a first mover advantage (Lieberman and Montgomery, 1988)  [xxii]  . Apple juice is in the growth stage. In this stage, sales increase rapidly as the market grows. It allows firms to reap the benefits of economies of scale. The increase in product sales brings greater profits which in turn attracts new entrants to the market. The maturity stage of the life cycle sees a slowing in sales growth and profits as the market becomes saturated. Orange juice is in the maturity stage. In this stage, low cost competition with other brand based on efficient production and technically proficient processes becomes more important. During the maturity stage of the life cycle it is conceivable that a product may benefit from innovation or finding new consumer markets. Lemon juice is in the decline stage. In the decline stage firms experience a fall in sales and profitability. Consumer loyalty shifts to new products.  [xxiii]   3.9 Promotion tools Sunkists has been steadily growing with an aggressive marketing strategy and attractive packaging. Sunkist uses few promotion tools to promote their product and services. Traditional newspaper and magazine advertisements are supplemented with grove tours and educational seminars for the media and chefs. Public relations campaigns such as the Worlds Largest Lemonade and the Worlds Largest Citrus Display attract wide media coverage, and targeted citrus information from Sunkist finds its way to consum ­er blogs and in-store promotions. Sunkists entry into the world of social networking is a cost-effective way to directly reach consumers. Sunkist is building a substantial following on Twitter and Facebook. They promote it in these two website because a lot people are playing with it recently. In addition, well over 100,000 subscribers receive our monthly online publication highlighting information, promotions, recipes and entertaining tips. Stage 4- Strategy Implementation 4.1 Sunkist international Strategy With over 7,000 Sunkist juice and juice drink dispensers in the US and Canada, had an ­other strong year, generating more Sunkist branding in restaurants, bars, schools, hotels and hospitals. Through Vitality, Sunkist is now one of the main beverage brands in the military. An effective international strategy begins with developing a standardized product that can be produced and sold the same way in multiple countries.  [xxiv]  Kenichi Ohmae  [xxv]  argues that delivering value to customers worldwide is the overriding goal, while other observes stress achieving strategic flexibility.  [xxvi]  Sunkist managers build strong worldwide distribution system and use profits from successful products and markets to subsidize the development of other products and markets.  [xxvii]   Jelly Belly successfully introduced a line of Sunkist Citrus Jelly Beans in 2009. In 2010 distribution will expand in the US and Canada. The existing line of Sunkist Fruit Gems and other products now boast a higher level of juice and new packaging. General Mills Sunkist Straw- berry Fruit Snacks became the third most popular product in the fruit snack category. Maverick Brands (Sunkist Natural juice and smoothies) and Old World Industries (Sunkist jarred fruit) enjoyed increased distribution and growth. Sales by a new licensee, Taylor Farms, formerly Sunkist Taylor, LLC (Sunkist packaged cut fruit), grew strongly in both retail outlets and schools. Sales of Sunkist-branded beverages in Asia continued to strengthen. Morinaga Milk (Japan) and Haitai Bever ­ages (Korea) led the way in innovation with a host of new products and flavors. Country House (Taiwan), tradi ­tionally a foodservice licensee, moved into retail with a line of new, high-quality juice drinks; and Fraser Neave (Singapore and Malaysia) continued their strong performance with Sunkist juice. RFM (the Philippines) successfully introduced newly packaged juice drinks and a new line of Sunkist fruit-flavored teas. The new line of Sunkist Premium 100% juice from A.S. Watson (Hong Kong and China) enjoyed good sales. Business in Europe and the Middle East, while currently small, is growing. Sunkist diversifies into foreign markets because it can generate sales profit opportunities that cannot be matched at home country. Internalization can also extend the marketable life of products or services that have reached their maturity in the home country. Sunkist has an extremely well-balanced export and domestic marketing program. They have a very strong sales and marketing team of seasoned veterans. They have excellent partnerships with ke

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

How Physical Activity Can Improve on Overall Health Essay -- essays re

How Physical Activity can Improve Overall Health and Personal Development Benefits Of Physical Activity   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The benefits of exercise extend far beyond weight management. Research shows that regular physical activity can help reduce your risk for several diseases and health conditions and improve your overall quality of life. Regular physical activity can help protect you from the following health problems. Heart Disease and Stroke   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Daily physical activity can help prevent heart disease and stroke by strengthening your heart muscle, lowering your blood pressure, raising your high-density lipoprotein (HDL) levels (good cholesterol) and lowering low-density lipoprotein (LDL) levels (bad cholesterol), improving blood flow, and increasing your heart's working capacity. Optimizing each of these factors can provide additional benefits of decreasing the risk for Peripheral Vascular Disease. High Blood Pressure   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Regular physical activity can reduce blood pressure in those with high blood pressure levels. Physical activity reduces body fat, which is associated with high blood pressure. Noninsulin-Dependent Diabetes   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  By reducing body fat, physical activity can help to prevent and control this type of diabetes. Obesity   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Physical activity helps to reduce body fat by building or preserving muscle mass and improving the body's ability to use calories. When physical activity is combined with proper nutrition, it can help control weight and prevent obesity, a major risk factor for many diseases. Back Pain   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  By increasing muscle strength and endurance and improving flexibility and posture, regular exercise helps to prevent back pain. Osteoporosis   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Regular weight-bearing exercise promotes bone formation and may prevent many forms of bone loss associated with aging.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Disability   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Running and aerobic exercise have been shown to postpone the development of disability in older adults. Stress and anxiety management   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Exercise may serve as an effective tranquilizer. Studies in adults indicate that 30 min of aerobic exercise reduces muscle tension by as much as does a dose of 400 mg o... ...low off steam’).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬ ¢ the stimulus-seeking theory (the excitement and thrills resulting from physical activity satisfy the increased need for stimulation).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬ ¢ the boredom theory (sport provides an alternative to occupy a time void, and by participating in physical activities, the child is too tired and too occupied to have energy left for delinquent behaviour). Character development   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Athletic competition does not appear to promote character development; instead, there are some studies that suggest that individuals with athletic experience have poorer attitudes toward fair play. Socially desirable behaviours such as friendliness, generosity and cooperation are inconsistent with physical activities that emphasize winning. However, physical activity may have the potential for personal growth in qualities including persistence, deeper self-reliance, commitment and motivation, and may increase resourcefulness. This is probably truer for noncompetitive physical activities than team competition.